daisy cafe 在 Summer Day In Harajuku || Shaved Ice To Cool Down 🍧 的影片資訊
go follow faustine @tokyoiteee shes excellent!! also the cafe is called malu* but dont follow google...
go follow faustine @tokyoiteee shes excellent!! also the cafe is called malu* but dont follow google...
Thank you ever so much to Hunt A Killer for sponsoring this video! Check out https://www.huntakiller...
Hi everyone, it's Daisy! Today I'll enjoy a coffee shop experience in quarantine with Ray Cafe! Spec...
新年過去,你有否在年廿八洗邋遢,整理家裏雜物?還是看見雜物卻不捨得丢掉?臨床心理學家鄒凱詩(Daisy Chow)指囤積雜物會導致內疚及沮喪等負面情緒,對健康造成憂患。 鄒凱詩指,雜物過多會令視覺及...
踏入12月,不少商場仍然在疫情下佈置聖誕裝飾,大播聖誕歌來增添節日氣氛,務求向消費者不斷洗腦。有臨床心理學家指出,其實此舉是一種耳蟲效應。 除了聖誕歌,驚安の殿堂DONKI和牛奶公司獎賞計劃YUU的...
〖CAFE VLOG|卡特來應徵一日咖啡廳店員囉!〗 #Vlog #卡特 #台北咖啡廳 ►instagram:https://www.instagram.com/kart_wang 終於完成一直...
Hello my friends !! How are you guys? ? thank you so much for watching and I hope you guys enjoyed...
少しでもいいなと思っていただければ高評価&チャンネル登録お願いします! ↓Lanaiyaちゃんのインスタ https://www.instagram.com/lanaiyalithe ↓ユーチュー...
Hi everyone, it's Daisy 林恬恬! Here is the second of two videos I made in New Orleans, Louisiana. If ...
Hi everyone, it's Daisy 林恬恬! Here is the first of two videos I made in New Orleans, Louisiana. If y...